
Global Pediatric Specialists Alliance (GPSA) is an organization centered around providing care for children worldwide.

We are founded on one simple mission – to provide care for children in remote areas of the globe and provide education to the local healthcare workers involved in pediatric care.

Our mission is to enhance the care of children worldwide in a sustainable fashion by healthcare enhancing activities, workforce and institutional capacity building through educational and training exchanges, academic support, material and equipment, and delivery of outreach surgery. The team members vary widely from nurses to students to residents and fellows, as well as to attendings all involved in pediatric specialties.

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Educational activities are an essential part of our work with workshops, support of academic and research programs at medical schools, nursing schools, major urban and rural pediatric hospitals in vulnerable areas.

GPSA is intended to give U.S. pediatric specialists trainees the chance to enhance their exposure to global pediatric surgery, thus building the next generation of global healthcare providers.

Andrei Radulescu, MD PhD Founder GPSA